The Star Quadrant

Insightful and Engaged New Market Entry.

New Market entry tends to be a complex area of management and strategy, given the multiple complexities to be encountered and managed while selecting a country and subsequent entry strategy.

Market attractiveness

Evaluate the market from a varied parameter perspective to evaluate, let us help you with the market insight and the multi driver evaluation to establish market attractiveness.


Plan a matrix of channels within the geography add the channel contributors in share and size and you now have the relative importance of evaluating the business from a different perspective


We establish the key customers your GTM strategy will have to involve from early on to get the momentum and the stakeholder engagement. Customers drive the business; at any given time, we would like to know who the 20% of the customers are who will contribute 80 % of your business


Every product fits into a sub category which fits into a category, we build on the category insights to know more about the market and the insights of performance and predictability.

Competitive Landscape

Competitive landscape maps are a good way of gauging the level of difficulty and complexity, it is also a great way to prepare your entry and engage the competition on their doorstep with a known strategy


Within the dashboard of business management, we establish key metrics from a market perspective to help monitor and manage the business.


The interesting thing about distribution is, what is spoken and what is available (numeric and weighted) are 2 different areas in context, the exciting part is identifying distribution gaps, which is an excellent way to gain share and in another its reflecting on organisational preparedness

Risk assessment

We work on the market risk assessment to drive the possible risks associated with both the country and the market; we treat this as part of the understand your market area.

GTM Strategy

The GTM strategy is an extensive part of launching into a market with a concise plan, we put the elements together for your go to market strategy and engage with your teams in developing it and launching the strategy.

Distributor Rating

Distributors form a very important part of the value chain, developing a business with a rated distributor is far easier than starting with a non-rated distributor, this works also when you want to rate your distributor through a bench marking process.

Credit Reports

We insist on a credit report for key partners, this enables managing potential risk better, and managing your entry strategy minimising the downside.

Market Assessment

Assessing a market is preferable before entering a market, we establish market assessment reports to drive awareness of the particular market and the categories.

Type of entry

The types of entry strategies are limited to a handful, we can either recommend a strategy or align with your strategy to help identify and manage the varied landscape of an entry.

Insights & Intelligence

No doubt important, its essential to fill in the gaps as the business planning exercise gets serious, there is the need to know and the nice to know, we work around the absolute need and deliver what is needed realistically.

Market share

Market share is a great indicator, but only if you take it in perspective, perspective covers, Volume, Value, Geography, Channels, Profitability, Cost to serve and good profit management

Pricing & Profitability

Pricing and Profitability is one of the drivers we are clear about and we build price strategy and profitability studies based on a market perspective engaging with market dynamics

New Markets are the next growth strategy after domestic markets building them up is a careful process and takes considerable insight and application to do the job right once.

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We have identified the critical steps you can take to accelerate your presence and share; we have an excellent understanding of New Market Entry with a proven results from our work with companies internationally across countries & categories which exceed 200 and markets across the

Middle east africa , Pakistan , Indian Sub-continent and parts of APAC

Well planned and executed new market entry can boost your brand presence, share and profitability, and deliver returns year after year for a long time yet the majority of companies encounter challenges of a varying nature mostly from the boxes above, new market’s pose complexities of a varied nature and we prefer to follow the 4-step method 1) Insights 2) Engage 3) Prioritize 4) Execute & Review , each step reflects on the prior and succeeding step
We work very closely with Insights, on the ground assessments and analysis, capability assessments, and bench marking against industry standard, coupled together a diagnostic tool offering analysis based on lean methodology all relevant to ROI.
We use an extensive set of tools and templates to establish the business process is captured, prioritized and analysed in an extensive manner, we use our Lean Six Sigma self-developed tools and template branded (UpskilPro) which offers rapid diagnostic results offering improvement opportunities.
  • Indirect Exporting
  • Direct Exporting
  • Direct Sales
  • Technical Licensing
  • Contract manufacture
  • OEM
  • Management contracts
  • Turnkey Contracts
  • Franchising
  • Distribution alliance
  • Manufacturing alliance
  • R&D alliance
  • Joint venture
  • Assembly
  • Manufacturing
  • R&D
  • Acquisition .
  1. Companies not yet in an investment mode but looking to get some overseas revenue.


  2. Primary drivers are Additional revenue , Test market , Larger footprint 

  1. Companies looking to increase share of market and sign up for expansion with control on end product not but not yet in an investment mode
  2. Primary drivers are Additional revenue and share.
  1. This step usually comes after No 1 , and the company is ready to make investments with a strategic plan in mind
  2. Primary drivers are Brand expansion , Larger revenue , increasing presence and market share with strategic intent .  
  1. Company fully understands all aspects of the market and is now ready from a Long term commitment and investment perspective .
  2. Primary drivers are Market expansion, Improved profitability , larger  market share, Larger organisational footprint